8 tips for making healthy lifestyle changes
Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution or a sudden decision to get into a lifestyle change, it’s definitely commendable that you’ve decided to pay more attention to a conscious lifestyle from now on. In addition to having an extremely positive effect on your health through conscious nutrition and regular exercise, you will also benefit from goals such as losing weight, increasing muscle mass, or increasing sports performance. Whatever your goal, you can make the lifestyle change process easier by following a few helpful tips! Let’s cut into it together and get the most out of yourself!
To whom do we recommend the lifestyle change?
Many of us are diverse, with many different goals and directions in our lives. In the field of exercise and nutrition, vows and lifestyle changes are usually grouped around 4 important goals. If you see yourself in one of the following, but you have not achieved spectacular results for some time, we definitely recommend you to look at making some changes in your lifestyle to get out of stagnation. Remember, doing the same will bring the same results.
People on a weight loss journey
Perhaps most people belong to this group. With a lot of sedentary work and comfortable everyday life, we can easily load some extra pounds. Being overweight can put us at a lot of disadvantage in life as we move harder, our bodies are overloaded, we sweat more easily, it is harder to breathe and we are generally dissatisfied with our appearance. Now is the time to recharge our workouts and pay attention to our nutrition!
People aiming to increase muscle mass
For those who have difficulty maintaining or building muscle mass (due to their ectomorph physique, for example), the time has come to jump between the irons and do their best to improve! And if you’re one of those people who haven’t dealt with training so far, but you’ve realized it’s time to knead yourself out, then we’re sure you’ll have a whole new lifestyle to develop with intense workouts and diverse diets!
People looking to enhance their performance
Your new goal may also be to improve the pace of your running, swimming, or cycling; or you may want to work with heavier weights or improve your strength level by introducing new, different exercises. Whichever you want, you definitely need a new workout plan, a diet, or perhaps a well-crafted dietary supplement plan.
People in need to improve their health
Have you neglected yourself, didn’t take care of your health, didn’t pay attention to your body’s signs, got sick a lot, and feel it’s time to deal with all of this? Get to know the needs of your body, see what vitamins, minerals, nutrients are needed to reach your goal and develop a much more conscious lifestyle!
8 tips to change to a healthy lifestyle
A lifestyle change will only be successful if you think carefully about the steps and elements below. This way, you can consciously approach the goals and achieve spectacular tangible results.
1. Set a goal
It is very important that we set ourselves the right goal, one with a realistic chance of being achieved. The goal is realistic if we set a good deadline. So a realistic goal is to lose 10 kg in one year, but not realistic in 1 month. Also consider your own boundaries, opportunities, habits, strengths and weaknesses. Try to set a goal so that it doesn’t end in disappointment because you have faced an unattainable challenge or because you would have to give up too much for it. You don’t want to make too big a change too fast!
2. Gather bad habits and leave them
You can change bad habits if you are aware of what they are. Gather the habits that need to be changed to achieve your goal. For example, if you want to lose weight, you need to get rid of those sugary foods or snacks you are eating in the evening in front of the TV. You do not need to change everything at once, but gradually, step by step, remove the most important things. One during the first week, then add another one in the next week and so on, you decide your own pace; the important part is to do it. But always reward yourself for a job well done and discover tasty food recipes or drinks that you can enjoy without remorse. It could be a Protein Bar or delicious recipes using protein powder.
3. Prepare mentally as well
There are a number of ways in which you can gain much deeper self-knowledge and recognize, accept, and rebuild your weaknesses that have prevented you from achieving your goals. One example is meditation or yoga, but there are many other ways you can help motivate yourself! A useful method is to describe why you want to achieve a particular goal, writing down why this is important to you and then reading it in those days when you feel like giving up. You can even put it on the door of your fridge with a photo that works as an inspiration for you! Imagine yourself as you reached your goal, as if you were overwhelmed by the feeling that you did it, you were capable of it and yes, you fought for it!
4. Eat healthy every day
It’s a good idea to find out in advance what foods to put on your daily menu. How can you make your current diet healthier? Eliminate sugary, flour, greasy foods, choose fit snacks like vegetables, fruits, and stick to the goal of eating healthy things every day. If you crave sweets or savory snacks, also try to make them from healthy ingredients or try fit alternatives like Protein Chips or Protein Cream.
5. Plan the diet you need for your purpose
It’s good to shop in advance so that everything is ready at the start of your lifestyle change and you don’t have to run around the store every now and then because you don’t know what to eat for ten o’clock. Plan your own diet and put together your daily menu at least roughly, if you don’t count calories in the beginning, just make changes in your nutrient sources. Follow the prescribed menu every day and keep the goal in mind! Know exactly what you are going to eat that day and what you’ll eat the next day.
If you are not so skilled in the kitchen or need some help starting to figure out your fitness recipes, you can get help from all of our articles with advice on healthy eating.
6. Start training or change your current routine
If you haven’t trained so far, it will be a difficult step to make it a regular part of your life, as you’ve done something else so far and there will be something you won’t have time for. But for the sake of the goal, sometimes sacrifices must be made and regular movement is the cornerstone of a lifestyle change. See how much time you can devote to training each week and what form of training you should choose according to your goal and preferences.
Be it individual or group, gym, weight training or outdoor running workouts, figure out what you can imagine doing for the long term. Many times it is enough to choose a workout at home, the point is to include at least 3 workouts a week. And by putting together an ideal workout plan for you, you can stay motivated for a long time.
7. Find the nutritional supplements you need for your purpose
A well-put together nutritional supplement package can do a lot to help you achieve your goal by supporting your intake of all the nutrients you need to get from your diet. You will also find a number of products which you can consume to replace the usual chocolates and sugary treats your just decided to remove from your daily routine.
With them, you can increase your strength level, help your regeneration, and contribute to maintaining your health, losing weight or gaining muscle mass!
Dietary supplements tips to lose weight:
Iso Whey Zero or Ultra Loss meal replacement shake: Can be the perfect alternative to replace a late dinner, in order to reduce the daily calorie intake while getting quality nutrients for the body.
Super Lipo or Thermo Drine: Both weight control formulas can help increase efficiency during diet and exercise, and the caffeine content of Thermo Drine enhances the desired effect by increasing body heat during fat-burning workouts. We recommend the Super Lipo especially for the long term, for people aiming to lose a higher amount of weight.
L-Carnitine 100.000: L-Carnitine is the most popular supplement used to help you use fat as energy during training.
Zero Bar: A slice of protein available in many flavors, that you can get anywhere and anytime if you get hungry, so you can also support your daily protein intake!
One-A-Day: When on diet, people tend to focus only on reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates but few know that lots of vitamins and minerals play a key role for many body functions that support weight loss.
Nutritional supplement tips to increase muscle mass:
Hyper Mass: If you’re one of those people who have a hard time gaining extra muscle mass, here is a protein powder with extra carbs and creatine – the basics for effective muscle mass gain. Another alternative as a mass gainer is the combination of Iso Whey Zero and Carbox.
BCAA + Glutamine Zero: When building muscle, it is critical to replace amino acids for muscle development and maintenance. In this case, a complex amino acid preparation can come in handy, which takes care of your muscles during and after your workout.
100% Creatine Monohydrate: Creatine typically increases physical performance during short-term high-intensity workouts, such as weight training.
Multivitamin For Men / Multivitamin For Women: Formulas specially designed for the needs of men and women respectively, and the support on their body goals.
Nitrox Therapy: In order to build muscle mass, you need powerful intensive workouts and sometimes we don’t have the energy for it. This pre-workout formula with high-caffeine content will help you not to waste time while hitting heavy weights.
Nutritional supplement tips to stay healthy:
One-A-Day: With a complex multivitamin preparation, you can take in all the vitamins and minerals important in your diet.
Iso Whey Zero Natural: Good physique is essential for health, and it’s worth protecting your muscles. Here is a protein powder that we only flavored with natural aroma and coconut extract!
Vitamin C Bioflavonoids and Vitamin D3: Most research today has shown that not only vitamin C but also enough vitamin D is needed to protect the immune system.
Collagen: Not only do we love it externally for a good appearance of our skin, but this component also plays a big role in maintaining the normal condition of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, connective tissues and gums.
Protein Bar: High protein content and low on sugars, being healthy and staying away from sweets doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself, and Protein Bar is a perfect snack any time of the day.
Protein Cream: Spread it on your toast in the morning and you won’t feel the difference from any other hazelnut cream in the market, same taste but a way healthier alternative.
Peanut Butter: Made purely of peanuts and salt, perfect as a topping, a snack and even as a alternative vegan treat!
Nutritional supplement tips for endurance sports:
Iso Whey Zero / Vegan Protein: Protein supports post-workout muscle regeneration and retention, for which Iso Whey Zero is ideal. If you are following a vegan diet, very popular among runners, this plant protein powder fits perfectly.
Glutamine Zero: Glutamine plays a major role in building muscle mass, so supplementation may be necessary, especially before or after intense, long-term workouts, as the body’s glutamine requirements increase.
Isotonic: If you are not yet experienced in endurance sports, you may suffer physical fatigue harder than an experienced athlete. However, with an isotonic drink, you can maintain performance and replenish vitamins and minerals lost during your workout.
Arthro Guard: Endurance sports tend to be great for overall health, but hard on the joints and cartilage in the body. Arthro Guard is the best option to keep these well lubricated and with the right nutrients to function properly.
Vitamin C: It is important for endurance athletes because, as an antioxidant, it may help reverse oxidative damage caused by intense exercise.
Nitrox Therapy: Endurance requires energy, and Nitrox Therapy offers a lot of it as an excellent pre-workout to give you that extra boost to go the extra mile.
8. Involve your friends, partner, and family
It is important that your environment is aware of your goal and respects it, as a supporting environment helps a lot in achieving your goals. It is important that they know what and how they can help you, or if they are holding you back with some bad habits. Their patience and love, is important so that nothing can distract you from your path and you can focus on it properly. And if you persuade them to join the lifestyle change, motivating each other may make you achieve the expected result even faster!