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Supplement tips

The role of vitamins in weight loss

You should pay attention to taking and replenishing vitamins not only when you want to preserve your health or prevent spring fatigue, since vitamins could be considered as the catalysts of the human body. What happens to nutrients – whether they are burnt or stored – is regulated by complex biochemical processes that are activated by enzymes. And vitamins and minerals are responsible for regulating the functioning of these enzymes. If your diet is lacking in vitamins, it will try to replenish the empty calories, so the result will be overeating.

What are the most important vitamins to replenish during a diet?

Vitamins B

    They must be replenished because they play an important role not only in the breaking down of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also in the preservation of a healthy nervous system, healthy eyes and skin.

    The most convenient sources of vitamin B are meats, eggs, wholemeal cereals and pulses.

    Vitamin C

      It is one of the most important vitamins that is required not only for its antioxidant features, but also for the optimum functioning of the immune system. It is critical to take vitamin C during a diet, especially because we usually start dieting in the beginning of the spring or at the end of winter to be pretty for summer, and by this time the vitamin reserves of the body are depleted and it is difficult to get fresh vegetables and fruit that are rich in vitamins. Sour cabbage could be a good option, since it is rich in vitamin C, but any fresh vegetable or fruit, rosehip are an excellent source, too.

      Let’s not forget that a lack of vitamins often results in fatigue, which could be very risky during a diet. When you are tired, you have a bigger craving for sweets and refined carbohydrates. When you give in to temptation a vicious circle starts with the wolfing down of snacks and other meals.

      Vitamin D

        Nowadays there is a lot of research on vitamin D. Unfortunately, Hungarians have a vitamin D deficiency, especially during winter. Vitamin D itself is a hormone like precursor that is formulated in the

        skin upon sunlight or taken in with food.

        It is very important for the functioning of the immune system and the calcium balance, i.e. the building and maintenance of the bone structure.

        Research found that the risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity is aggravated by vitamin D deficiency. In case of type 2 diabetes vitamin D replenishment improves the functioning of insulin producing beta cells.

        The following are excellent sources of this vitamin: liver, egg yolk, seafish and cheese.

        Vitamin A

          Vitamin A functions as a catalyst in many metabolic processes, but it is important for the healthy functioning of the eyes and the immune system. It is a key to beautiful, tight skins, since we don’t only want to be slim, but beautiful also.

          It can be replenished from animal derived meals, by consuming liver, butter and cheese, and its previtamin – beta-carotene – can be richly found in squash, apricot and carrot.

          It is not a vitamin, however, you shouldn’t forget about taking in chromium since it has an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and sugars, it regulates the blood sugar level and it stabilises the energy balance. In addition, it also boosts the integration of certain amino acids (methionine, glycine and serine). It can be found in wholemeal cereals, pulses, liver and spinach.

          It is indispensable to consume all nutrient types during a diet, otherwise there could be severe deficiencies in the body and together with the lost kilogrammes you might lose your health, too. The timing of the meals will be the most important task in order to achieve all your goals and not to cause disruption in your metabolism, either.


          Gabriella Silye