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Meal plans

Bulking for women

Indeed, there are women who wish not to lose, but instead, gain weight because they are naturally too slim. Even ladies need excess calories to increase muscle mass, but you cannot be successful if your carbohydrate intake is limited. A daily life without any sports requires significantly less calorie intake. If you want to gain muscle mass you will need the right kind of fuel!


Ladies must consume at least 44 kcal/kg (in body weight) a day to retain their weight. In order to gain muscle mass, an additional 350-700 kcal intake is required on a daily basis. Keeping a nutritional and training diary can be of great help that enables you to see your body’s reaction to the increase of calorie intake. You should have a plan for the daily meals and prepare them in advance to make sure you know how many calories you take in and in what composition.


In addition to the higher daily calorie intake, it is important to pay attention to your protein intake, which should be between 1.5 and 2g/kg (in body weight). The majority of the protein should come from high-quality, complete protein sources, because these contain all the necessary amino acids required for muscle building. This is how your body can generate a positive nitrogen balance, which is essential for building muscle mass. All your meals should include some protein, may be it meat, eggs, dairy products or shake. If you are vegetarian, then combine the different amino acid sources, such as beans, peas, rice, nuts, corn, nuts, etc.


Our basic energy sources are carbohydrates that are necessary for an intensive workout, which is the fundamental condition for bulking. Approximately 50–55% of our daily calorie intake should come from carbohydrates. Consume simple carbohydrates – such as potatoes, rice or sandwiches made of white bread – immediately after workout, when the body immediately needs some sugar. They will perfectly replenish the glycogen storage of your muscles, and protein taken in the form of fast-digesting protein shake will boost this process even further. The rest of the day consume slow or medium-digesting carbohydrate sources, such as oatmeal, quinoa, bulgur, brown rice, barley, whole wheat bread and pasta, etc.


20–25% of your daily calorie intake should come from fats. The smaller part should be saturated and a larger portion should be unsaturated fats, and make sure you have an adequate intake of Omega 3 fatty acids as well. Almond, walnut, flax seed, avocados, olive oil, salmon, etc. are a great source of fatty acids.

If you want to be successful in reaching your goals, then eat 5 to 6 times a day, do mass gaining training exercises and pay attention to the quality and the duration of your rest.
