Organise yourself an easier life
Photo credit : http://myxperiencefitness.com/the-power-of-preparation/
With a busy work schedule some people can struggle to fit in a full and varied workout routine. It can be hard to sometimes get in the proper work alongside your life schedule but this week I will try to help you to organise your regime for a busy festive period.
Workload’s piling up during the week and your workout regime remaining top of most people’s lists, some may find it hard to organise their schedule and remain on top of smashing their targets. Some people look at organisation as a bad thing but as long it takes up a minimal part of your time it can really be a very useful tool for most people and helps to have a clear head when the going gets tough.
Write it down
One of the things you could do would be to begin a diary/work planner. This is a great way to keep on top of your weekly schedule and to write things down is a helpful way to physically see what you have on for each day. You could even have two planners on the go, one for work and one for your workouts and personal best records. To be able to see your week written down can be a helpful way to focus on what needs to be done in that day and stay on top of your work and home life.
Meal planning
This is such an important part of a typical athlete’s life but it can also be an important part of your life as time restraints begin to really push what you can physically fit in during a 24hr period. The key to this is having a day (usually your day off from work) where you can dedicate time to setting up a week’s worth of food for your working days and also when you come home from the gym or work. The idea is that you can spend less time cooking and more time refuelling your body and recovering from a hard days training!
Goal setting
No matter how small a goal you set for each day/week or month you can have a good amount of satisfaction from completing them and ticking them off your to-do list. It doesn’t matter if it is filing that report for work before 1pm, cramming in an extra thousand calories into your daily intake or even adding 5kg’s to your personal best lift. If you can set a goal, no matter how big or small, and complete it in a specified time frame you should feel great about yourself and you should be able to look back and see your progress begin to take shape.
Surround yourself with similar people
This is an old motto but it is one that I personally stick by when trying to be successful and keeping on top of my goals in life. Surrounding yourself with likeminded people can only be a good thing for everything you have planned either at work or in life. Having similar goals as somebody else and having the same techniques to succeed with those goals is a way to spread the success and the only thing better than achieving your own goals is to help others see theirs through.
Think ahead
Work and the gym can take up a lot of time in your life so when there are extra stresses like Christmas or birthdays to consider too, if you leave them to sort themselves out they can sometimes get on top of you. Pre-planning these added events can really help to ease the burden on you in an average week. So for something like Christmas, write down your present buying goals and family members, much like your fitness goals, and you can happily watch them all be ticked off and completed much to your satisfaction. As the saying goes…. ‘From failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail’.
Treat yourself
If you are on top of the difficult things in a busy and hectic life then sometimes you have to take stock and remember to give yourself a pat on the back. Whether that be a well-earned spa trip, a new supplement order from Biotech USA or maybe even a haircut and a shopping trip, it is vitally important to remember where you have come from and how far you have come in taking control of your life so successfully.