Enjoying your summer!
With the summer months in full swing the balance of enjoying yourself and keeping up a fit and healthy lifestyle can be a difficult challenge but not one that’s impossible.
The sun is out and the days are longer and you should be aiming to try and enjoy yourself as much as possible with friends and colleagues in the sunshine. So what happens to your fitness lifestyle when your friends are ringing and texting you to come and join them partying or on holiday? The challenge is quite a difficult one to try and take on but it can be completed with a bit of pre planning.
I’m not saying for one minute that you shouldn’t enjoy your evenings with friends or avoid those parties and BBQ’s because of the fear of falling off. All it is going to take is some readjusting to a set lifestyle for a few months and after all the hard work you have been doing over the winter months you would be due some ‘me’ time and be able to reflect on where you’ve come from. Neither should it be a chore to enjoy yourself and you should definitely aim to try not carry around endless bags of kit and supplements with you. Doing this will not be a productive way to enjoy the holiday months. Learn to travel light on day trips out and make the most of your surroundings wherever you may be.
Why not start by making your own plans with friends that might include some planned days out doing a physical activity like playing sports together or having a day out at the beach where you can jog or swim and keep your body active in a fun way. This way you won’t feel as pinned down to other’s plans and like your not being active enough during the down time.
With nutrition there isn’t a great deal that needs to change with your everyday life. When attending parties or BBQ’s just stick to the proteins and avoid the extra portions of carbs and sugars in bread and relishes and sauces altogether. Drink if you feel like you want to but again try to stick to low calorie versions of beers and spirits like vodka with a low calorie tonic mixer to keep in line with your macros if your are counting them.
Spending time with friends during the summer can be seen as difficult with nutrition but if you are eating out then take the time to choose your meals wisely and aim to use just two extra minutes to source a healthy trip to a supplement shop or a smoothie bar if you feel like you need the balance whilst your out.
You don’t need to sacrifice your lifestyle in order to have a good time with friends so make sure you find a natural balance and not a pressured one where you refuse to do things that may cause you to feel bad. You are simply enjoying yourself and you shouldn’t feel like you’re letting yourself down just because you are celebrating your journey and achievements.
Surround yourself with real friends and relax knowing you’re in the company of long time people who understand your lifestyle and will want to be involved in your active ways as much as possible. Also try to surround yourself within new environments where you can show people that being active isn’t a chore and that it can be enjoyable.
Next week I’ll run down on the most interesting days out for active people and how to pack for any potential trips away whilst keeping the overload of kit and training supplements at a minimum.
Remember to #DoTheDamnThing and enjoy your life!
For tips on how I train, eat and supplements follow me on:
Instagram: @Taeo Robinson
Facebook: Taeo Robinson
Twitter: @Taeo Robinson