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Supplement tips

BioTechUSA For Her – Ultra Loss

Summer is coming and it’s coming fast! The days are officially longer and the temperature is increasing day by day. This means that you might be looking for a holiday or trying to look your best as you dust off your summer clothes and grab those sunglasses from the bottom of the drawer. It might also mean that you are upping your training efforts and working harder towards your fitness goals day by day and smashing your records.

With the warmer days approaching fast you probably don’t want to be stuck wearing your winter overcoat to try and hide those troublesome areas you may have. So what are you waiting for? Throw that thick fluffy coat to one side and make your plans to work on your not so summer ready areas and be prepared to really get a sweat on and start your summer off right!

Get to know our new product family and pick your favorites: BioTechUSA For Her

Many of you will be looking to shift a little extra body weight or tone up a few areas you have concern with over the coming weeks with your training goals. This could involve lifting heavier weights, introducing more cardiovascular training or even trying new fitness programmes altogether. All of this means you’ll probably be looking at trying to limit your calorie intake and watch your diet more carefully as you carefully work with your body and not against it. A supplement that could help the fitness minded women with their training and health journey would be BioTechUSA’s Ultra Loss supplement.

Ultra Loss is a fine tasting dietary replacement and meal shake that is packed with vitamins and minerals and will aid your overall healthy feeling with each time you take it. One serving of Ultra Loss only contains 98 calories making it an ideal replacement for one of your main meals in a day meaning you’ll be keeping your target calorie intake as low as you can whilst aiding your entire digestive system.

The high dietary fibre count will help make your stomach feel fuller for longer meaning you won’t feel the need to snack or add to your calorie intake for the day. With over 15g of high value quality protein in each serving your body will also be receiving a good source of muscle repairing formula helping to keep you toned and working in the right direction. This is also helpful after a tough day of work and combined with your training efforts in the gym it will help to feel recovered and relaxed from your busy schedule.

Let’s take a look at what each serving of BioTechUSA’s Ultra Loss can offer you;

Ultra Loss serving nutritional facts (30g)

  • Protein 15g
  • Carbohydrates 6g
  • Fat <1g
  • Dietary fibre 3.26g
  • Vitamins 12
  • Minerals 4

As you can see from the above list of nutrients, Ultra Loss is a great meal replacement with all the best possible vitamins and nutritional benefits you could need from a shake that lowers your calorie intake. To go along with all the above info, Ultra Loss is available in several tasty flavours to suit your own needs. From dark chocolate to hazelnut and strawberry to vanilla there’s sure to be a taste available that you can add to your daily regime with the smoothest transition.

We’ll be continuing our look at shaping up for summer in the coming weeks and discovering some more of BioTechUSA For Her fabulous products that could help you slim down for the warmer months. In the meantime make sure you are working hard at becoming a healthier, fitter and stronger you and smash your training goals!

Click here to check Ultra Loss and more For Her products