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Looking after your joints

When training people tend to focus on how to use their regime and supplements to help reduce fat loss and to build muscle but there is also an important focus to be had on your joints.

Your joints provide a key component when training and should never be overlooked when it comes to planning and preparation. There are plenty of ways you can reduce the stress on your joints and a lot of ways to supplement their continued strength and growth. So let’s begin by talking about how important they are to your training regime.

Whatever your training schedule your aim should be to support your joints as much as your muscles when adding mass, as much as your nutrients when shredding and as much as your calories when in a deficit and dropping carbohydrate intake. The looking after of your joints is a key element to remaining in great shape when training and there should be a focus on maintaining them when considering your daily intake of nutrients and vitamins.


As everybody knows who ever had a mum the intake of calcium from supplies like milk and dairy products is a great way to have healthy teeth and bones. It does however has great benefits to the skeletal system and the forming of strong bone joints for your muscles to work upon. A lot of people already incorporate milk into their diet through shakes and protein drinks but don’t be afraid to get in on from other viable items such as cheese and yoghurt even if you are on a low fat diet. Smaller, early morning portions will keep the fat content low whilst still allowing for the valuable nutrients to be taken in.

Omega 3 and fish oils

A lot has been said for the effects of omega and fish oils in a balanced diet and the debate rages on as to whether they can truly work but the benefits of an increased intake in these has been scientifically proven to help reduce inflammation and also reduce the risk of generating osteoarthritis. The other main benefit of taking in essential oils is that it may reduce the fat present in your blood stream. So aim for a high value supplement that you can take once a day to keep your mobility levels as high as possible and reduce the risk of injury.


Warming up before exercise is a fantastic way to increase mobility around joints and avoid stiffness when training. Try to stretch all muscle groups before and after exercise in order to reduce lactic acid build up and have the biggest range of motion possible when training. This should see you avoid any unwanted injuries but also improve your flexibility when moving and let your body have the complete range of motion around the joints you’ll be using most in your regime. A lot of good can be done for a little over five minutes of stretching time before and after your workouts so don’t skimp on the stretches or undervalue what this small task can do for you in the long term.

Naturally joint pain can become a hindrance to the even most advanced trainer but is fortunate that with good practice and through a varied and a well balanced diet we can prevent this from occurring. Obviously if you continue to suffer from a serious pain you should always seek professional advice from a doctor or a physician to try to pinpoint your cause of pain. In the meantime load your system with the required nutrients and vitamins and you should progress pain free and smash your training efforts.


For tips on how I train, eat and supplements follow me on:

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Facebook: Taeo Robinson
Twitter: @Taeo Robinson