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How sugar affects your training

Sugar, as many people will know by now, gets a bad rap when it comes to dieting and having a negative effect on your weight loss goals. Many sources have told you how sugar can be a negative factor in your weight goals and how to cut it out effectively within your training regime in order to be successful. But the question is how can you still get sugar in your diet and how is it best utilised during your weight training regime.

When looking at your diet it can be pretty much impossible to cut all sugar out as it is found in many forms and varieties. Within your usual diet when training you are going to encounter sugar at many levels mainly within your consumed carbohydrates. A lot of trainers will have an eye on eating complex carbohydrates with slow burning carbs present and, with these, there’s generally a lower sugar content found. But with the almost constant source of sugar being inevitable how can you make sure you’re getting the correct amounts.

When we think of the sugars you gain from carbs we have to look at how they can affect your training in a good way. The way that sugars are formed makes them easy to break down meaning they can be absorbed by your body quicker for the muscles to feed on during exercise and exertion. This is obviously a great way for your body to fuel up before training and you should aim to include some longer burning carbohydrate portions before training with a slightly higher sugar content than you would consume normally in order for your training regime to not suffer and your levels of performance to be sustained appropriately.

Your level of training will be equal to your exertion levels. Minimum effort will result on minimum results being shown. With this important equation it makes sense for you to have a quick and instant impactful load of sugar and muscle energy in order to be at your most explosive whilst training. It has been proven time and time again that if you are explosive and hard with your training then the muscle building qualities will be a lot clearer a lot quicker over time. You get out what you put in every time.

Of course taking in too much sugar from the wrong sources can prove to be a bad thing for your diet goals and your training regime. You need to be clever when taking in sugars and make sure you’re taking in the natural sugars rather than the added ones many foods can come accompanied with. We’re not saying you should be eating copious amounts of chocolate bars or sugary filled drinks before training to get your fuel but more importantly you should be aiming for longer lasting natural sugars from sources such as porridge, bananas or fruits. The hit of natural sugars should see your pre training feed consist of helpful longer lasting sugar to power your training.

Aim for early morning loads of these natural sugars as the fuel levels will be ridiculously high and be brilliant as a training aid lasting for more than just a few minutes. Before training you should try to incorporate some form of protein/sugar combination that can not only fuel your training but also provide your muscles with some needed protein balance. Think boiled eggs and protein bars for the short mix of both nutrients right before your go maximum effort in the gym or in your training schedule.

Just be confident with your diet and do the research into what kind of sugars you’re taking in before training and always try to cut them down in the evening and before bed as not to store it whilst you’re body is in a rest state and not using the excess loads. Have fun with your training and make sure your efforts whilst being active are always at a maximum in order to use that sugar based fuel in a way that doesn’t leave it to excess and see your results be maximised as much as possible.


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