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Why carbs after workout are important?

Why take simple carbohydrates after workout?

Simple carbohydrates taken after workout mainly serve to replenish depleted glycogen stores, as well as to contribute to protein synthesis.

Simple carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels and consequently insulin levels. The function of insulin is to reduce the level of blood sugar, and therefore it directs sugars in the blood stream towards the cells. However, it does not only direct sugars to the cells, but protein, too, thus supporting its absorption.

The carbohydrates taken after workout are part of the recovery process, which is crucial to being able to perform to your maximum or even beyond that! Thus, it also increases your muscle mass.

During workout – supposing it’s intense enough – your muscles use glucose (readily available energy) and glycogen (stored energy). As soon as these energy sources reach low levels, intensive training can’t be continued and tiredness occurs. There isn’t sufficient energy available to your muscles any longer. That’s when your body releases a hormone, cortisol, which breaks down muscles. Therefore, cortisol (also produced during continuing stress), catabolises muscles to turn the proteins thus gained into energy. And that means muscle loss.

The shake consumed after workout causes your body to release insulin, which, as opposed to cortisol, is an anabolic hormone with a building effect. After workout, whey protein is the best protein source, because it digests and absorbs very fast. However, it also requires carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. (70 or above). Glycemic index is the number that shows the consequent increase of blood sugar level. During the day you should go for carbs with a low glycemic index. After workout, however, the key factor to your development is the very insulin released due to high blood sugar levels!

How much should I take?

The amount of carbohydrates required to replenish your glycogen stores is about 0.5-1 g/body weight kilogram, which means 40-80 g for a person weighing 80 kg. That’s the amount which should be taken with the necessary, about 0.5 g/body weight kilogram of protein. It’s not precise, but correct for foods; as regards nutritional supplements, the proper dosage is 20-30 g of carbohydrates and 25-30 g of proteins.


Why Carbox?

Carbox is convenient because you can dose the amount of carbohydrate that you’ve calculated and which your body needs with any protein source.

Carbox contains five carbohydrates: dextrose, maltodextrin, ribose, fructose and Palatinose. Each one of them makes a great addition to a post-workout shake on their own, but combined in one single product they enhance the replenishment of carbohydrates which you need after training very effectively. It makes your muscles full and round, and thus, besides its excellent effects within your body, the sight will be worth, too.

What carbohydrates does Carbox contain?

1.    Dextrose, also called glucose. One of the most common sugars normally used in post-workout shakes. It’s a great solution as regards price-to-value ratio.

2.    Maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate, which can be derived from rice or potato starch, but its molecular chain is shorter than that of other complex carbohydrates. Similarly to dextrose, it increases insulin levels, but more slowly, thus ensuring a prolonged presence of carbohydrates.
3.    Fructose, also called fruit sugar. It has a rather low glycemic index, that is, it digests slowly and does not increase insulin levels significantly. But exactly for the same reason, it supplies your body with carbohydrates for a long time.
4.    Ribose is directly involved in energy and ATP production. Your body uses energy in the form of ATP, in which ribose is a great help. Intense training is stressful to your body, and it will seek balance as soon as possible to be able to bear stress again. Ribose can accelerate this process and therefore it plays a particularly important role in recovery.
5.    Palatinose is the latest carbohydrate product in the market. Being a disaccharide, it digests really slowly. Thus, it can provide a continuous energy base. In addition, it also contributes to the quicker absorption of creatine.

Fill up on carbs with Carbox! Its unflavoured version is great with Nitro Pure Whey or Iso Whey ZERO proteins, and the flavoured version makes a nice post-workout drink.
The product is free of aspartame.