Radical boosters tuned to your needs

The unstoppable A radical pre-workout formula with an extreme NOX complex, 300 mg caffeine, as well as creatine and tyrosine for hardcore needs.

The unbeatable A radical pre-workout formula with 400 mg caffeine, NOX complex, without creatine, for extreme needs.

Black Blood NOX+ - 330 g
Black Blood CAF+ - 300 g

Why is it good for you?

*The statement applies to products dissolved in water and ready to consume.

The content of one portion

= Daily portion

5250 mg NOX Complex - 2000 mg L-arginine AKG
- 1250 mg L-citrulline-malate
- 2000 mg Beta-alanine
150 mg water-free caffeine
2613 mg creatine complex (buffered creatine, creatine citrate) - 1530 mg creatine
300 mg L-tyrosine
180 mg calcium
225 mg vitamin C
1,2 mg vitamin B1
1,2 mg vitamin B6
5 mg niacin

= Daily portion

3,150 mg NOX Complex - 1050 mg L-arginine AKG
- 1050 mg L-citrulline-malate
- 1050 mg Beta-alanine
200 mg Black Caffeine Matrix - 191,5 mg water-free caffeine
- 8,5 mg caffeine from black tea extract
ZMB Complex - 92,5 mg magnesium
- 6 mg zinc
- 0,75 mg vitamin B6
- 3,95 mg niacin

Why should you consume it?

Its ingredients make it an ideal choice for hardcore body-builders, regardless of gender.
It helps competitors through the difficulties of dieting.
Because it provides support during the preparatory phase to both combat athletes and power and endurance athletes.
Because it offers a great alternative to those seeking a sugar-free* pre-workout supplement.
Besides being easy-to-dose, it also comes in a wide range of flavours.
Due to its complex ingredients, it effectively supports a shredding diet.

to prepare?

Mix 2x1 portion of powder (2x9,5 g = 2x 1/2 scoop) with 2x100 ml water in a shaker bottle. Drink 1 portion 15 minutes before workout and 1 portion during workout.





Warning: high coffein content [150 mg coffein / portion (150 mg coffein/100 ml ready to drink product)]. Its consumption is not recommended for children, pregnant, or nursing women, and neither for those who suffer from heart desease and high pressure, or for whom who have intolerance to coffein!
Mix 2x1 portion of powder (2x5 g = 2x 1 scoop) with 2x50 ml water in a shaker bottle. Drink 1 portion 15 minutes before workout and 1 portion during workout. 1 portion of powder (2 scoops) mixed with 100 ml water, drunk 15 minutes before workout. We recommend you to use scales in order to carry out precise proportioning! Use a shaker bottle for mixing!





High coffein content [200 mg coffein / portion (400 mg coffein/100 ml ready to drink product)]. Its consumption is not recommended for children, pregnant, or nursing women. Its consumption is not recommended for those who suffer from cardiovascular deseases including high pressure desease, nor it is recommended for whom who have intlerance to coffein

Black Blood



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